
The Traveling Bed

When you agree to help out with a ministry for differently abled people, you certainly get a chance to see God work in different, wonderful, unimaginable ways.

At David’s Table, our differently abled friends seem to have an understandable fetish for “gear”. Their gear is not the same as gear for hiking, biking, or golf. The world does not crave this particular gear. The able-bodied world refuses to entertain the thought of ever owning or touching our gear.

The gear I’m talking about is a vital resource for our population – a shower chair, adult diapers, catheters, wheelchairs and hospital beds just to name a few. These things aren’t just for hospitals or sick people. They are necessary, lifelong, treasured belongings to many. This gear is often very expensive and hard to locate and even harder to repair.

David’s Table gets to be in a position to know who has what and who needs what. Follow this real story of a hospital bed to see how the Lord is just working everything out.

I really didn’t like the way I was made. I wanted to be a king or a queen. Or a twin.

I wanted to be made out of the best material. Dark stained mahogany maybe. One piece carefully crafted. I wanted to be sturdy and silent. I wanted to have a soft, plush mattress covering me.

Instead, I am metal and painted brown. I have rails, buttons, levers, and a mattress that can get wet. I can fold up like a taco. And I am painfully single.

Whoever imagined me and created me must be crazy and must have made a big mistake.

He assured me that I was special and I would be used in many important ways. I liked the sound of that but found it very hard to believe. I want to tell you my story and see what you think. Do you think I am special and important?

In the beginning, after I was made, I was folded up and moved to my first home. Some people carried me up a ramp and into a lovely home. I was carried down the hall and into my first bedroom. I was so nervous to meet my first person. Was it a girl or boy or man or teenager?

It was a boy! Hooray and Yippee! He had been waiting for me. His name was TJ. He was so thankful for me and so was his family. Everything about the way I was made had a purpose. Those ugly rails? Those buttons? That mattress? TJ needed all those things and I was able to bring him comfort and strength that other beds could not. The bed I dreamed of being could have never held TJ the way I could. I was learning to love the things I did not like. And I was beginning to believe that my maker was not crazy. I realized I am special and important.


I did not get to be with TJ forever. TJ went to the hospital and got into another bed (just like me) and Jesus came and scooped him up and took him to heaven.I was sad for a long time. I missed TJ and thought I would never be special and important again, but I tried to wait patiently for another person to need me.

Then it happened. One day, an old man named Skeeter and a dog named Chief came and picked me up and put me in their dirty van. We drove and drove and ended up at my next house, Katie’s house. Skeeter and Chief unloaded me and brought me into my next bedroom. I was so nervous again. What if I could not do my job? What if sitting empty made me forget how to do what I was made to do? What if my next person did not like me? Was it another teenage boy? Or a little girl? Or a gentleman? I found out soon enough that my next person was a gentleman, Mr. Moore. You see, Mr. Moore is Katie’s dad and he needed me because he had a stroke and half of his body did not work anymore. Mr. Moore really needed me. He needed my rails and buttons. He needed my comfortable spots and he needed my sturdy spots. I loved being in this home and being useful and being special and important.

Mr. Moore

Sadly, I did not get to hold Mr. Moore for long. He moved into another place and got to use another bed (just like me). I was folded up again and set aside. I was sad but I knew I would have another chance to be what I was made to be. I was learning to wait and to trust.

Just last week, Skeeter and Chief came and picked me up again and put me in their dirty van again! I knew what was happening this time and I was so excited. I wasn’t scared or nervous. I was ready and thankful to be special and important. This time, Skeeter and Chief took me to Katie’s friend’s house. It’s a small world! Skeeter and Chief carried me into an apartment and into my new room. And this time, I get to have a teenage girl! Her name is Sequoia. What a beautiful name. I have always wanted a girl! I can give her comfort where she needs it and strength where she needs it. I hope I stay here for a long time. But if I don’t, I know who is coming to pick me up and take me somewhere else!


I love being a hospital bed. It isn’t what I wanted. I’m not beautiful in the ways that most people see. But for TJ and Mr. Moore and Sequoia, I am beautiful. For them, I am comfort, strength, security, and provision. I am exactly the way I am supposed to be.

I don’t know if you think I am special and important but that doesn’t really matter.

My maker said I was wonderfully made. And he was right.

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