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Thank you for donating

Together, We're Changing Lives

Thank you so much for partnering with David’s Table as we bring hope and purpose to our friends with disabilities and their families. Gifts from people like you make everything we do possible.


Recurring gifts enable us to provide amazing support and activities all year long. Smaller, consistent donations help us wisely plan our budget so we can serve the most people possible.

“So now I am giving you a new commandment. Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” — John 13:34-35

Where do donations go?

When you give to David’s Table, you help us provide programming “between the Sundays.” For 47 weeks out of the year, David’s Table offers an average of 9 hours of free programming for adults with disabilities, which includes:

  • Transportation (based on availability and including wheelchair accessible transport)
  • Staff planning, volunteer supervision and support
  • Meals at Monday night E210 in-person locations, as well as snacks and beverages for the rest of our programs
  • Instruction = USTA Tennis instructor for Tuesday Tennis, Ukulele instructor for Thursday Fret not Ukers
  • Materials for every program

Weekly programming costs an average of $7.12 per hour per person served. This does not include Camp David, monthly socials and special events. Your gifts make an incredible impact.