Who We Serve

People with Disabilities

Filling the Void With Friendship

People with disabilities face a big challenge when they reach adulthood. They graduate from high school and step into a blank space, a drastic change from days filled with structure, social activity and purpose. Plans for college or employment are rare. As they turn 21, many of the programs available through the state disappear when federal funding ends. This is a tough transition, not only for the individual with disabilities, but for their entire family and caregivers.

David’s Table steps in to lift the heavy weight of loneliness, despair and boredom. We celebrate the unique beauty of every person, welcoming them into a community where they belong and have purpose. More than just filling empty hours, our weekly programs give our adults an opportunity to feel loved, useful and connected to others.

David’s Table serves people with disabilities by providing weekly activities and transportation, along with support for caregivers and connection to outside resources. Our friends are invited to join us for activities that include tennis, gardening, art, music, Bible study, group lunches and more. Want to learn more about our regular and annual events? Check out our calendar or sign up for the newsletter.

Parents & Caregivers

Shouldering the
Load with Love

Caring for someone with disabilities is a calling and a challenge. The long journey can be extremely lonely for parents and caregivers—particularly when your child graduates from high school and ages out of all the available support programs. The reality of preparing for many years of ongoing care settles in. David’s Table was founded for exactly this moment to help carry the burden alongside you.

Our leaders and volunteers wrap you and your loved one in a community of care and support. In addition to creating a weekly calendar of fun, we provide purposeful activities for those with disabilities as well as special annual and monthly events. We also provide transportation for those who may need it, connection to outside resources that could prove helpful and support for families struggling through a hard time.

Looking for support? We’d love to get to know you and your adult with disabilities. Check out our weekly events to get plugged in.