Disability Resource Guide

Discover the Upstate of South Carolina’s New “Disability Resource Guide”! BRIDGED is thrilled to announce the release of the first annual Disability Resource Guide—a FREE directory designed to connect individuals with disabilities to vital resources in the Upstate of South Carolina. This guide bridges communities by improving access to services, advocacy tools, and information, making […]

He calls once a week, eager to hear about what I’m doing + what’s new. He always has new friends, cracks jokes you can’t believe he just said, and is laughing that vibrant, one of a kind squeal. Ever since Coop came into my life, it hasn’t been the same. I thought those were […]
Who Cares for the Caregiver?

Who cares? As we saw in the first blog, we were born to care according to God’s creation plan (Genesis 1:26-28). It is who we are and what our Lord designed us to do. That’s how we live out the image of God in which he created us. When we care for others, we act […]
Can I have an Easy Day Please?

I love the many amenities we have in America. As a mom and wife who is also employed full-time, I enjoy options when the day is busy. I love the ability to pick out my groceries online, and create a click-list for easy pickup. I know when I choose my pickup time, the groceries will […]
Do Not Fret

In My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers said, “It’s easy to say, ‘Fret not,’ but a very different thing to have such a disposition that you find yourself able not to fret. It sounds so easy to talk about…‘waiting patiently for Him’ until the nest is upset—until we live, as so many are doing, […]
The Traveling Bed

When you agree to help out with a ministry for differently abled people, you certainly get a chance to see God work in different, wonderful, unimaginable ways. At David’s Table, our differently abled friends seem to have an understandable fetish for “gear”. Their gear is not the same as gear for hiking, biking, or golf. […]
Another Life Worth Living

Meet my friend, Brian Cooper. Most of his friends know him as “Coop.” Although he has Cerebral Palsy (CP) and is dependent on others to meet nearly every single one of his physical needs, Coop will be quick to tell you, “I’m no different than anybody else. I’m just sitting down all the time.” I’d […]
Stretcher Bearer

“Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on.” Mark 2:3-4 The four friends of the […]
The Table

Several years ago we thought that David’s Table might award a “table” to a church working to include our friends with disabilities into the worship, service, and community of their church. The first idea was to buy an older table and fix it up a little bit – maybe one that was not level and […]
Disability Makes a Church Strong

Each Sunday, as I stand on our elevated platform, I look out at a couple hundred faces of various ages, different shades of color, and a diversity of expressions, all bidding me to speak on behalf of God. But one face in particular captures my attention in a unique way every week. Her name is […]